Information for students on cases where religious observance (or the requirements of their faith or religion) may affect students’ attendance at teaching and learning activities or assessments/exams.
Undergraduates, Taught postgraduates
If observance of your faith or religion (e.g. attendance at specific times of worship) is likely to affect your attendance at lectures or other teaching and learning activities, you should discuss the issue with your School.
The University will make every effort to avoid timetabling assessments or other compulsory activities on religious days or festivals for those students whose commitment to the observance of their faith would otherwise cause them to miss the assessment or other activity. However, we are able to accommodate the needs of students only if their requirement for particular religious observance is strict. Requests from students to miss particular teaching and learning activities will be considered sympathetically and the University will try to make reasonable adjustments, where at all possible.
For general information about the document, contact:
For specific queries about religious observance in your case, you should contact your programme or School Office.