Guidance to students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice

This guidance explains what the University understands by the term ‘academic malpractice’, i.e. the types of actions by students that are likely to compromise their teaching and learning experience and that may lead to them, intentionally or otherwise, getting unearned or underserved credit.  The guidance makes it clear that any academic malpractice will be treated very seriously by the University and gives information on how to avoid it.  Use this guidance to understand what academic malpractice is and to make sure that you can prove that all your work is genuinely your own.  Refer to this document if you have any concerns about issues such as plagiarism, collusion or falsification of results, or contract cheating (engaging a third party to complete an assignment on your behalf.)

Undergraduates, Taught postgraduates

Our expectations of you under this online resource/guidance:

You should read, work through, and make sure you understand, the contents of this online resource, to make sure that you don’t commit plagiarism or other academic malpractice, unintentionally or otherwise. 

Your expectations of us:

The University will investigate any suspected incidents of academic malpractice, and impose appropriate penalties when such cases have been proven. 

View the full guidance document

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Who to Contact

Students should contact their Academic Advisor, Programme or School Office for advice or further information about this document, and for information on how to avoid academic malpractice.