Regulation XVII: Conduct and Discipline of Students

Regulation XVII (17) is the University’s overarching behaviour policy.  It sets out the key principles around student discipline, such as the University’s remit, what it identifies as misconduct and the processes that take place in the University, such as looking into behavioural concerns, how disciplinary panels are arranged and the ability to take precautionary action.

Undergraduates, Taught postgraduates, Post-Graduate Research Students

Our expectations of you under this policy:

It is expected that every student shall maintain at all times, and in all places, an acceptable standard of behaviour and shall comply with the University's policies and procedures. The settings include in-person, in halls, in lectures, in the community and online. The range of behavioural concerns is very broad but includes things like, not committing academic malpractice (such as plagiarism), being respectful to other individuals and not causing them harm, using University resources and property appropriately, ensuring you act as a good ambassador for the University and adhering to health and safety rules.  In essence, you should treat other people and the University in the way you would expect to be treated. 

Your expectations of us under this policy:

The University will take appropriate action where misconduct is alleged, whether this is to consider a matter further, such as through an investigation or for a case to be referred to more formal stages of discipline, like a panel.  The University will make sure cases are considered fairly and without bias, are evidenced based, outcomes are proportionate, and that students are given clear information and signposting to support.

View the full Regulation here

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Who to contact

You should contact your School or Programme Office for specific advice about conduct and discipline procedures.